Uses of Class

Packages that use TestCase
net.walend.collection.lyophil.jdbc.test This package contains a test suite for net.walend.collection.lyophil.jdbc  
net.walend.collection.lyophil.memory.test This package contains tests for collection.freezable.memory 
net.walend.collection.lyophil.test This package contains tests of collection.lyophil 
net.walend.collection.test This package contains tests for the net.walend.collection kit. 
net.walend.jdbc.test This package contains a test suite for javahelp.jdbc20. 
net.walend.lang.test This package contains tests for the lang package. 
net.walend.lyophil.collection.test This package contains tests for the lyophil.collection package. 
net.walend.lyophil.jdbc.test This package contains a test suite for lyophil.jdbc20. 
net.walend.lyophil.memory.test This package contains tests for the lyophil.memory package. 
net.walend.lyophil.queuedwrite.test This package contains tests for the net.walend.lyophil.queuedwrite package. 
net.walend.lyophil.soft.test This package contains tests for the net.walend.lyophil.soft package. 
net.walend.lyophil.test This package contains tests for the lyophil package. This package contains a test suite for the package. 

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.collection.lyophil.jdbc.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.collection.lyophil.jdbc.test
 class DependantMutableSetTrayTest
 class JDBCFreezableSetTest

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.collection.lyophil.memory.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.collection.lyophil.memory.test
 class MemFreezableSetTest

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.collection.lyophil.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.collection.lyophil.test
 class FreezableSetTest

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.collection.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.collection.test
 class AbstractIdentitorTest
          Test the api of an Identitor.
 class AbstractListTest
 class AbstractMapTest
 class AbstractMutableListTest
 class AbstractMutableMapTest
 class AbstractMutableSetTest
 class AbstractSetTest
 class ArrayListTest
 class CollectionTests
 class DefaultIdentitorTest
 class HashMapTest
 class HashSetTest
 class MutableArrayListTest
 class MutableHashMapTest
 class MutableHashSetTest
 class NullValueHashMapTest
 class SoftHashMapTest

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.digraph.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.digraph.test
 class CEDigraphTest
 class DigraphTests
 class EdgeMissingExceptionTest
          Test all api of EdgeMissingException.
 class EdgeNotUniqueExceptionTest
          Test all api of EdgeNotUniqueException.
 class GEDigraphTest
 class HashCEDigraphTest
 class HashGEDigraphTest
 class HashUEDigraphTest
 class MutableCEDigraphTest
 class MutableGEDigraphTest
 class MutableHashCEDigraphTest
 class MutableHashGEDigraphTest
 class MutableHashUEDigraphTest
 class MutableUEDigraphTest
 class NodeMissingExceptionTest
          Test all api of NodeMissingException.
 class UEDigraphTest

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.director.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.director.test
 class ClassForRoleNotFoundExceptionTest
          Test all api of ClassForRoleNotFoundException.
 class DirectorTest
          Test all api of Director.
 class DirectorTests
          Test all api of LastIdentifierUsedException.
 class GenericDirectorTest
          Test all api of GenericDirector.
 class ObjectForRoleNotFoundExceptionTest
          Test all api of ClassForRoleNotFoundException.

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.ejb.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.ejb.test
 class EJBTests
 class ExceptionTests
          Test all api of NestedCreateException.
 class NestedCreateExceptionTest
 class NestedDuplicateKeyExceptionTest
 class NestedEJBExceptionTest
          Test all api of NestedEJBException.
 class NestedFinderExceptionTest
 class NestedNoSuchEntityExceptionTest
 class NestedObjectNotFoundExceptionTest
 class NestedRemoveExceptionTest
 class OneMemberEnumerationTest

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.jdbc.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.jdbc.test
 class ConnectionSourceTest
          Test all api of ConnectionSource.
 class DatabaseUtilsTest
          Test all api of DatabaseUtils.
 class JDBCTests
          Test all api of the net.walend.jdbc package.
 class NestedSQLExceptionTest
          Test all api of NestedSQLException.
 class ResultSetWrongSizeExceptionTest
          Test all api of ResultSetWrongSizeException.
 class SQLStatementStringTest
          Test all api of DatabaseUtils.

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.lang.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.lang.test
 class EqualsTestTest
          Test EqualsTest
 class HasNestedThrowableTest
          Test all api of HasNestedThrowable.
 class Tests

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.collection.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.collection.test
 class AbstractMapToFreezablesTest
 class AbstractMutableMapToFreezableTest
 class AbstractMutableSetOfFreezablesTest
          Tests for all the API of MutableSetOfFreezables.
 class AbstractSetOfFreezablesTest
 class FreezableIdentitorTest
 class FreezerHashMapTest
 class FreezerHashSetTest
 class FreezerIteratorTest
 class HashMapToFreezablesTest
 class HashSetOfFreezablesTest
 class MutableFreezerHashMapTest
 class MutableFreezerHashSetTest
 class MutableHashMapToFreezablesTest
 class MutableHashSetOfFreezablesTest

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.ejb.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.ejb.test
 class EJBClassDiggerTest
 class EJBFreezerTest
          Test the api of a EJBFreezer.
 class EJBIdentifierSourceTest

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.jdbc.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.jdbc.test
 class JDBCCasterTest
          Test all api of JDBCCaster.
 class JDBCClassDiggerTest
          Test all api of StringEJB.
 class JDBCFreezerTest
          Test the api of a JDBCFreezer.
 class JDBCIdentifierSourceTest
          Test all api of LongIdentifierSource.
 class JDBCStringTrayTest
          Test all api of JDBCStringTray.
 class JDBCTypableKeyDiggerTest
          Test the api of a JDBCTypableKeyDigger

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.memory.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.memory.test
 class MemClassDiggerTest
          Test the api of a MemClassDigger
 class MemFreezerTest
          Test the api of a MemFreezer.
 class MemIdentifierSourceTest
          Test all api of IdentifierSource.
 class MemoryTests
          run this with java -Djava.compiler=NONE -Dlyophil.home=/lyophil/test junit.textui.TestRunner lyophil.memory.test.MemoryTests
 class MemSetTest
 class MemTypableKeyDiggerTest
          Test the api of a MemTypableKeyDigger
 class TransientMultiValueIndexTest
          Tests all methods in TransientMultiValueIndex.
 class TransientSingleValueIndexTest
          Tests all methods in TransientSingleValueIndex.

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.queuedwrite.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.queuedwrite.test
 class QueuedWriteFreezerTest
          Test the api of a QueuedWriterFreezer.
 class QueuedWriteTests

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.soft.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.soft.test
 class SoftFreezerTest
          Test the api of a SoftFreezer.
 class SoftMemSetTest
 class SoftTests

Uses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.test

Subclasses of TestCase in net.walend.lyophil.test
 class CannotCreateExceptionTest
          Test all api of CannotCreateException.
 class CannotFreezeExceptionTest
          Test all api of CannotFreezeException.
 class CannotThawExceptionTest
          Test all api of CannotThawException.
 class CannotThrowOutExceptionTest
          Test all api of CannotThrowOutException.
 class ClassDiggerTest
          Test all api of StringEJB.
 class FreezerTest
          Test all api of StringEJB.
 class GenericMotherTest
 class IdentifierSourceTest
          Test all api of IdentifierSource.
 class IdentifierUnavailableExceptionTest
          Test all api of IdentifierUnavailableException.
 class KeyDuplicatedExceptionTest
          Test all api of KeyDuplicatedException.
 class LastIdentifierUsedExceptionTest
          Test all api of LastIdentifierUsedException.
 class LyophilTests
          Test all api of LastIdentifierUsedException.
 class MismatchedIdentifierExceptionTest
          Test all api of MismatchedIdentifierException.
 class NotInFreezerExceptionTest
          Test all api of NotInFreezerException.
 class PersistenceFailureExceptionTest
          Test all api of PersistenceFailureException.
 class TypableKeyDiggerTest
          Test all api of StringEJB.
 class ZombieFreezableExceptionTest
          Test all api of ZombieFreezableException.
 class ZombieIdentifierExceptionTest
          Test all api of ZombieIdentifierException.

Uses of TestCase in

Subclasses of TestCase in
 class PropertyExceptionTest
          Test all api of PropertyException.
 class PropertySourceTest
          Test all api of PropertySource.
 class PropertyTests
          Test all api of
 class SimplePropertySourceTest
          Test all api of SimplePropertySource.
 class SubsetPropertySourceTest
          Test all api of SubsetPropertySource.

Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, David Walend