Package net.walend.lyophil.collection

This package contains a persistent collection kit based on Lyophilizer.


Interface Summary
CollectionOfFreezables This interface supplements the net.walend.collection.Collection interface.
FreezableIterator An iterator over a collection of Freezables.
MapToFreezables This Map maps any Object as a key to a Freezable.
MutableCollectionOfFreezables Use this interface for changable CollectionOfFreezables.
MutableMapToFreezables This MutableMap maps any Object as a key to a Freezable.
MutableSetOfFreezables This class is a Collection that contains Freezables so that no two Freezables in the Collection have the same identifier.
SetOfFreezables This class is a Collection that contains Freezables so that no two Freezables in the Collection have the same identifier.

Class Summary
AbstractFreezerHashMap This Map maps any Object as a key to a Freezable.
AbstractFreezerHashSet This class implements the net.walend.collection.SetOfFreezables interface, but instead of storing whole Freezables in the set, it stores a Set of identifiers.
AbstractHashMapToFreezables This Map maps any Object as a key to a Freezable.
AbstractHashSetOfFreezables An abstract HashSet that includes special methods for handling Freezables.
DelegatingMutableSet This abstract class implements MutableSet by delegating all methods to a contained MutableSet.
FreezableIdentitor An Identitor for Freezables.
FreezerIterator An implementation of FreezableIterator that grabs the Freezables fresh out of the Freezer.
IteratorOfFreezables An implementation of FreezableIterator that uses an Iterator of the Freezables.
MapToFreezablesIdentitor This class implements Identitor using an object's own equals() and hashCode() methods for equals() and hashCode(), but checks for equal identifiers of freezables insice the valueEquals() method.
MutableFreezerHashMap A MutableMapToFreezables built on AbstractFreezerHashMap.
MutableHashMapToFreezables A MutableMapToFreezables built on AbstractFreezerHashMap.

Package net.walend.lyophil.collection Description

This package contains a persistent collection kit based on Lyophilizer. Thematically, it's based on the java.util collections kit. It uses the net.walend.collection kit, and generally replaces "has same reference" with "has same identifier" in the Identitor.

Naming conventions

For the most part, naming conventions follow those in the net.walend.collections. The main interfaces added are CollectionOfFreezables and MapToFreezables. These interfaces define special methods for working with Freezables.

The Freezer postfix indicates that the colleciton stores identifiers in memory, and uses the Freezer to thaw objects as needed. This approach gains space in memory, but trades away the access time.

The Freezable postfix, found in net.walend.collection.lyophil, indicates that the collection itself has an identifier and can be preserved in the database.

Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, David Walend